Events 活動和快訊

World Journal article on the Book Talk:

Hua Kuang hosted a Zoom Book Talk on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2024, from 10 am – 12 noon.  Donni Wang 王冬妮 presented her book, 江河行地,海浪无声: 我的祖父王赓 , Bounding Rivers, Silent Waves: A Memoir of Ken Wang.  She presented it in Mandarin with English Introduction.  See the flyer for the Zoom event below.
Joseph Ku wrote a wonderful review of her book.
『江河行地』是王冬妮記述她祖父王賡的一生行誼的傳記(1895-1942)。你也許不認識王賡,但是你大概知道陸小曼是誰,她原是王賡的妻子,浪漫詩人徐志摩放下林徽因戀慕之情後,趁著王賡將軍戎馬倥傯之際,開始追求陸小曼,致使婚姻生變,王賡為成全他們,黯然離去。書中有當事人的日記,信札及當時的報導佐證。王賡本人也非常優秀,少年便由清華學堂被選拔赴美求學,先後去了Michigan, Columbia, Princeton,學成後又去了West Point 軍校,以優異成績畢業。回國即被北洋政府指派巴黎和會代表團的成員。之後又爲國民政府服務,抗戰軍興,政府指派赴美軍事訪問團,籌辦各類軍援事宜,可惜壯志未酬,旅途中病逝於埃及開羅,埋骨異鄉,令人唏噓。

作者王冬妮文筆流暢,詞語豐富,書中記述常以今昔對比,讓讀者更能心領神會作者意涵,尤其難能可貴的是有許多當年民國著名人物的照片,書信,文獻,躍然紙上,增加本書的可讀性華光中文閱覧室很難得邀請到作者王冬妮為我們讀者做一次Zoom talk. 特別邀請你來參加。


Playlist of videos from the 43rd Anniversary celebration:

Recording for Zoom Book Talk: Red Bishop by Robin Yuan

Recording for Zoom Book Meeting: Witnessing the Pandemic, 抹不去的痛

Please find the recording for the Zoom Book Meeting on 6/24/2022, Witnessing the Pandemic, 抹不去的痛, at the following link:

E-mail sent out on 5/31/22 regarding Hua Kuang's reopening

Hua Kuang Chinese Reading Room is reopening its library and classes to the community on Monday, June 6, 2022. The new class schedule can be found at Each class is limited to 6 students. Covid regulations are strictly applied. To take the class, register to be a Hua Kuang member, sign a waiver form and wear mask in class.
Hua Kuang has extra opening hours on Tuesday and Saturday*.
Monday, 10 am – 3 pm,
Tuesday, 10-11 am* (June), 12-2 pm* (July),
Wednesday, 10 am – 3 pm
Friday, 10 am – 3 pm
Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm*

HUA KUANG’S NEEDS: Volunteers to keep Hua Kuang’s doors open during Open Office Hours. Volunteers to sort through overwhelming book donations, do cataloging and computer work. Enquire about these volunteer positions with Kelly, at

A new book has been published in April, 2022, called 抹不去的痛, 见证 2020-2021, Witnessing the Pandemic. 融融, RongRong is editor-in-chief. A brief description about the book is written below, along with an opportunity to enter a book-review writing contest on this book that is of epic importance in modern history. To buy the book, go to the link here. It costs $19.95 per book. To enter the writing contest, see the instructions below.

ZOOM BOOK MEETING: Friday, 6/24/2022, at 4 pm, PST. will be held on Friday, 6/24/2022, at 4 pm, PST, for readers to meet some of the book’s Hua Kuang will host a Zoom Book Meeting on 抹不去的痛, 见证 2020-2021, Witnessing the Pandemic. It authors face to face on Zoom! Email Kelly, at to sign up for the Zoom Meeting.

Witnessing the Pandemic, written by 28 Authors in Pacific Northwest. Editor-in-Chief: Rong Rong

一本值得珍藏的书 —— 《抹不去的痛— 见证 2020-2021》已由美国烛光出版社 2022 年四月出版,美国西北华文笔会的二十多位作者联手合写,扫描于生活的各个角落,不仅仅是眼见的,更是心灵的。此书深入到因恐惧,隔离,孤独而产生的忧郁,厌世以及自杀现象,可谓字字血声声泪,撕裂人心。同时,也收集了突破疫情的严密封锁,改变生活方向,放飞灵魂,播撒快乐,犹如天使下凡一般的美妙故事。不仅写自己的经历和感受,也写夫妻的恩爱,孩子的成长,邻里和谐,尤其当生命下沉,临近终结的时候,活出人的尊严,这些故事令人肃然起敬。主编融融在前言中说:对付灾难,我们的能力那 么有限,但是,把真相留给后代,则是历史交给我们的不可推却的使命。

A book worthy of collection, Witnessing the Pandemic, has been published by Candlelight Publishing House in April 2022. More than 20 authors from the Northwest Chinese Writers’ Association in the United States have jointly penned this book about their experiences during the Pandemic. This book delves into the depression, world-weariness, and suicidal thoughts caused by fear, isolation, and loneliness. At the same time, there are amazing breakthrough stories, of lives changed, and inner souls released as if touched by an angel. These awe-inspiring stories not only depict the personal life experiences and feelings of these authors, but also tell the stories of love between husband and wife, of children growing up, of harmony among neighbors, and living with dignity even when life is coming to an end. As the Editor-in-chief Rong Rong put in the preface, “Our ability to deal with disasters is so limited, but to pass on the truths to future generations, it is our inescapable responsibility entrusted by history.”


美国西北华文笔会文集《抹不去的痛–见证 2020-2021》出版后立刻获得海外华文作家们的赞誉,并且引来华人各界关注。为了鼓励阅读、激发创作、促进读者和作者之间的交流,笔会将面向居住在美国的中文写作者(该书作者及编辑除外)举办读后感征文比赛。由美国西北华文笔会挑选资深作家和评论家组成的评委会(该书作者及编辑除外)评选出得奖作品。


1. 征稿时间:2022 年 5 月 10 日至 7 月 31 日截止。
2. 奖项设置:一等奖一名,奖金 200 美元;二等奖两名,奖金 100 美元;三等奖四名,奖金 50 美元。
3. 获奖名单将于八月底发布在笔会公众号《笔》上,得奖作品也将发表在笔会公众号《笔》上。
4. 评选标准:基于阅读全书的感想,可以包括对于个别篇章的评论。具有疫情时代特点,真情实感,条理清晰,文字纯熟,独具一格。题目自拟。
5. 原创性:原创首发,从未在任何纸媒或网络发表过。
6. 字数:1000 字到 3000 字。
7. 篇数:每人限投稿一篇。

投稿方式:请将参赛作品以附件形式(Word 格式)发送至邮箱,邮件主题注明“征文投稿”。请同时附上 150 字以内的作者简介 Word 文件以及联系方式(电子邮件、微信号和邮寄地址)。
购买《抹不去的痛——见证 2020-2021》,请访问烛光出版社官网:

華光閱覽室歡慶四十年 作家李嘉音發表中文版「火痕」

優視灣區資訊 UChannel TV Bay Area News
World Journal coverage of Fire Scar book signing event:

Dear Hua Kuang Members:

I am happy to share with you the Zoom recording of Hua Kuang’s Zoom Book Talk on the book, ”San Francisco’s Chinatown,” by Dick Evans and Kathy Chin Leong. It was broadcasted on Zoom on November 18, 2020, 1-2:30 pm.

This was an unexpected gift to Hua Kuang from the two authors, who generously provided resources for me to host this live interview with them on Zoom, and then recorded it for us to keep!

It served as our Thanksgiving Open House Event for this Pandemic year, a year that the library had to close to the public since March! We have much to be thankful for!

If you missed it or wish to know about the book interview, here is the Zoom Book Talk on YouTube:

I pray we can see you as soon as the Covid virus is under control.

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

Some of you asked to read the book. Even though they have generously donated two copies of the books to us, it is not in circulation due to Library closure by the Pandemic. However, they have graciously made the book available to us in the PDF version. Please use below link to scan through this colorful book, with vivid stories of people and familiar places in our beloved Chinatown.

Click to view PDF on Google Drive